Friday, June 23, 2006

Catchin' Up

So, it has been awhile since I have had a moment of spare time. Work, work, work.......! I hate working! However, a few days ago, my Mom and I ventured the 5 hour drive to Kansas City, MO. We went and saw Widespread Panic @ the Starlight Theater. It of course was awesome! Busted out a "C. Brown" for the first song of set one. I was lovin' it, and Mom danced the whole time. I was able to get up to the 3rd row, and the boys never looked so good! Ahhh JB! Got some cool pics on my phone and everything! This show was the only highlight of June. There are Waffle Houses there (YES!) and I had the best sweet tea!! Love those Pecan waffles! It made me miss charleston so much! I am not sure how I put it in italics, but I am clueless how to remove it. Oh well. Time to go for now. GO CUBS!!!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Well, I finally saw the "Da Vinci Code". I liked it, although it was long. True to the book, I thought. It's 2.5 hrs long! I also rented "Shop Girl" w/ Claire Daines and Steve Martin. It was sad, but I enjoyed it.

I'm getting geared up for the beginning of Widespread Panic's Summer tour. My mom and I are going to KC on the 21st for the opening day. I am getting excited! We are also going to St. Louis in July. FUN FUN!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Iowa City ArtsFest

So, my sweet, precious, ADORABLE 5 year old neice, Maggie, had her Iowa City debut @ the Iowa City ArtsFest this Saturday. She is a member of the Stapelton School of Scottish Highland Dancers. What a show! Yeah, I am biased, but she was the BEST dancer up there. I was in tears. I love her so much and she is so talented! My Mom made her little red tartan plad "kilt" and white lace blouse. I was hootin' and hollerin' to cheer her on and believe me I took a TON of pics!

I've been working A LOT these days, followed by a lot of drinking, which is unusual for me, sort of. My good friend Amanda was in town over Memorial day so we spent Sunday pm at the old Fitzpatricks (Old Capitol Brew House?) having a great time. Her friend Jeremy from Chicago was also w/ us. Some of her old IC friends showed up and next thing I knew it was closing time. Monday @ work was slow, then busy. Then that night I went out to a keg party and got so wasted! It was fun until I hurt someone doing a kegstand. I also went out Thursday night w/ peeps from the RL. My friend Crystal got back into town, so I met her downtown. It was a good time, but I was tired and didn't stay out long. Plus, I am watching my Mom's dogs, so I had to get back to the house @ a good hour. Having dogs is like having kids. can't leave 'em like I can my cats. WOW! Cubbies battled it out to the death with those NASTY St. Louis Cardinals for 14 innings. The Cubs won, and I was very happy. Sleepy, too. I think they are winning right now as I type this. GO CUBS!!!!!!! Well, I am gone for now. Have a good weekend everyone!