Saturday, July 22, 2006

Tanning Obsessed

I'm sooo obsessed with my tan! I lay out at the pool almost every day and then go to the tanning salon. There is this bed called the "Matrix". It's so big and claims to have a 1% burning rate. Anyway, I was the skeptic, as always. I'm blonde and blue-eyed, Irish descent, so I burn like nobody's business. Anyway, it was a dollar a minute (July special) so I went for 10 minutes AND DID NOT BURN!!!!! I LOVE the MATRIX!!!!!! I bought 45 minutes worth, and now they are gone. I am going for 15 minutes a session. Now, I also have like 400 regular bed minutes that I have to use up every other day. I have this bronzer lotion that I also use and I may say I am pretty tan. I am not as tan as my construction-worker brother, but I am catching up. I want to be as tan as my friend Naomi who is Native American. I love slathering my body with The Body Shop Coconut Body Butter. Yummy!!!!! One week from today I will be traveling to St. Louis to see Widespread Panic! I am soooooooooooo excited! I'll be seeing Heidi, one of my old roommates from SC, and her hubby Jay. I guess Blues Traveler is playing there somewhere too, not sure if I can make it! It'll be a fun time for all! And, I can get a Route 44 Cherry Lime-ade. ROCK ON!!!!!!!

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